So I hated my english class last semester. I just couldn't comprehend the idea of having one week to read the books that were required. To fully grasp the concept and the idea of a book you need more freakin' time! The first book on the list was The Odyssey by Homer. Unlike more students, I have never read this book and never even bothered to pick it up. It was always in the my "to read" pile but I never got around to actually picking it up and wanting to read it. I guess this obnoxious class wasn't so bad after all. I think this is one of those books that you can read a million times and never get sick of it. I don't know why but i just got hooked! Yes The Odyssey is the "2nd" book and it did bother me having to read the 2nd and not the 1st (which i plan on reading anyway just for the hell of it). I think I have a little bit of an obsession going on. I want to read all the translations for this book and determine which one is the best. According to my professor The Odyssey (Fagles translation) is the best. I would like to find that out for myself and not be limited to just one translator! I went to the library today and guess what I picked up? The Greek Poets: Homer To The Present by Peter Constantine, Rachel Hadas, Edmund Keeley and Karen Van Dyck. So far I have one nice thing to say about this class...